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 Oggetto del messaggio: F1 2010: patch 1.01 disponibile per PC
MessaggioInviato: 02/11/2010, 17:58 
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Livello arma - Pattada
Livello arma - Pattada
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Iscritto il: 16/05/2008, 22:05
Messaggi: 1007
Località: Prarolo ( VC )

La Codemasters ha finalmente rilasciato anche per PC (in arrivo anche per XBox) la patch ufficiale di aggiornamento per il recente F1 2010: il nuovo update, dal peso di circa 24MB, porta il gioco alla versione 1.01, apportando le varie migliorie e bugfix già note da tempo.
La patch può essere scaricata in auto aggiornamento tramite Windows Live o meglio ancora direttamente da questo link.

download qui -> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FL7EBIFZ

oppure qui - > http://www.rddev.de.vu/RDDevF12010-Patch101.zip

・"Pit-in" OSD indicator now appears after the player is advised to pit to repair car damage

・A number of shadowing improvements have been added

・Amended the time trial penalty system so that only players cutting the final corner on certain tracks will have their subsequent lap times invalidated

・Balanced the effects of the drying line created by cars when in a wet race

・Balancing improvements have been made to AI drivers to prevent unexpected race results

・Corrected an issue AI cars would not attempt to move out of the player's way when under a blue flag on an in / out lap during practice and qualifying session

・Corrected an issue where ABS would become enabled when selecting to "drive out" out of the pit lane in a race weekend

・Corrected an issue where AI cars would fail to respond appropriately when cars were either side of them in a corner

・Corrected an issue where AI cars would not be required to pit in a mandatory pit race after the use of a flashback

・Corrected an issue where AI times were being reported incorrectly on the first lap

・Corrected an issue where AI were being disqualified during wet races in Montreal

・Corrected an issue where car driving style was defaulting to "Wet" in network sessions

・Corrected an issue where damage to AI cars was being inconsistently applied

・Corrected an issue where disqualified AI cars would cause network races to end prematurely

・Corrected an issue where disqualified drivers were displayed in the incorrect order in the online race results screen

・Corrected an issue where flashback would become disabled after resetting to track

・Corrected an issue where incorrect race positions were reported in a network race after terminal damage had occurred

・Corrected an issue where lap and split times would be displayed incorrectly after flashing back to before the start/finish line

・Corrected an issue where pit engineer would fail to remind you to pit on mandatory pit stop races

・Improvements have been made to the pitting process to prevent the player getting stuck.

・Corrected an issue where positions of AI cars in a network race would be incorrectly displayed after a player quit the session

・Corrected an issue where punctured tyres would be carried across to subsequent sessions in a race weekend

・Corrected an issue where race strategy would fail to update correctly after the player manually selected a different starting tyre choice

・Corrected an issue where research path choice was not being carried over to subsequent season

・Corrected an issue where save data is reported corrupted

・Corrected an issue where sessions in progress would appear on the server list after quitting a network session

・Corrected an issue where some AI cars using a single-stop strategy would not pit during a mandatory pit stop race

・Corrected an issue where the dynamic racing line would not display correctly if the grip conditions changed

・Corrected an issue where the incorrect car name could be displayed above cars in the Grand Prix menu after completing a Time Trial race

・Corrected an issue where the player is told to copy their team mate's car setup

・Corrected an issue where the player was able to pass through other cars after restarting a session

・Corrected an issue where yellow flags would continue to be displayed for cars that had been removed from the race in network sessions

・Corrected an issue where user would be penalised for overtaking pitted AI cars when under yellow flag

・Made penalties less likely to be awarded after spinning out on the track

・OSD now displays time gap between cars on the sector and lap split times

・Reduced the frequency of penalty warnings given for minor collisions

・Reduced the frequency of punctures received from standard tyre wear

・Sector times for the car on pole position is now shown in the split times on the OSD

・Tuned the grip properties of the tyre compounds in different weather conditions

・A number of localisation issues have been resolved.

・Added benchmark mode from graphics menu

・Added native support for the 鏑eo Bodnar SLI-Pro steering wheel controller・circuit board

・Added support for AMD Eyefinity / Nvidia surround multiple monitor modes

・Added support for crossfire / SLI and multicore GPUs.

・Added support for DirectX 11

・Added support for Intel SandyBridge processor and graphics

・Added support for the Thrustmaster GT Experience steering wheel

・Additional (D-Box) motion platform support during pit stops

・AI cars now correctly reduce speed when damaged

・Changed default laps of fuel in practice and qualifying sessions to 10 and 5 respectively

・Corrected an issue where (D-Box) motion platform would stop functioning after using a flashback

・Corrected an issue where drivers of ghost cars became solid at certain camera angles

・Corrected an issue where force feedback would remain applied when restarting a session with full wheel lock used

・Corrected an issue where the driver head would bob extremely violently on certain machines

・Enabled access to the Advanced Wheel Options for all users

・The replay file can now be saved as an external file and played back within the game

Os:Win 10 64bit|Mb:ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming|Cpu:Core i5 6600K|Ram:16GB DDR4|Video Card:Nv GTX1060|Audio:Supreme FX|Hdd:SSD 250 Gb+1TB WD|Screen:LG 34"|Controls:G27,G15,G5,X52 Pro

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: F1 2010: patch 1.01 disponibile per PC
MessaggioInviato: 02/11/2010, 18:04 
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Iscritto il: 10/05/2008, 18:22
Messaggi: 16122
Località: Tyria
E perché se avvio STEAM non mi lancia un update automatico?
Aspetto per vedere se accade.

Immagine Immagine

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: F1 2010: patch 1.01 disponibile per PC
MessaggioInviato: 02/11/2010, 18:49 
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Livello Arma - OldGun
Livello Arma - OldGun
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Iscritto il: 01/08/2008, 10:33
Messaggi: 5604
・Made penalties less likely to be awarded after spinning out on the track

・Reduced the frequency of penalty warnings given for minor collisions

・Reduced the frequency of punctures received from standard tyre wear

Questa si che è una cosa gradita!!

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: F1 2010: patch 1.01 disponibile per PC
MessaggioInviato: 02/11/2010, 19:05 
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Livello arma - Pattada
Livello arma - Pattada
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Iscritto il: 16/05/2008, 22:05
Messaggi: 1007
Località: Prarolo ( VC )
・The replay file can now be saved as an external file and played back within the game

ma dove si vedono e dove li salva??? :oops:

Os:Win 10 64bit|Mb:ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming|Cpu:Core i5 6600K|Ram:16GB DDR4|Video Card:Nv GTX1060|Audio:Supreme FX|Hdd:SSD 250 Gb+1TB WD|Screen:LG 34"|Controls:G27,G15,G5,X52 Pro

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: F1 2010: patch 1.01 disponibile per PC
MessaggioInviato: 03/11/2010, 18:59 
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Livello arma - Pattada
Livello arma - Pattada
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Iscritto il: 16/05/2008, 22:05
Messaggi: 1007
Località: Prarolo ( VC )
Una delle caratteristiche introdotte con la prima patch di F1 2010 su PC è quella di poter salvare e rivedere a piacimento i propri replay di gioco. Di tale feature però nessuno ha trovato traccia e ora Codemasters spiega qual è la procedura corretta per per gestire i replay: vi invitiamo nel topic dedicato per scoprire tutti i passi da seguire.


In the 1.01 patch we included the ability to save race replays. Here’s a tutorial on how to save your finest moments and show off the power of your PC!

Disclaimer: There are a few things you need to be aware of before you proceed. File sizes can easily reach in excess of 500MB for a 3 lap race with 24 cars. Make sure you only save replays if you have plenty of space on your hard disk. You may also experience a slight pause after finishing a race as the replay file is written to you computers hard disk.

Recording replays

To record replays you will need to run F1 2010 with a command line option.

* Create a new shortcut.
You can do this by right-clicking on your desktop, selecting ‘New’ and select ‘Shortcut’
* Click Browse and navigate to your F1 2010 installation folder.
The default location is C:\Program Files\Codemasters\F1 2010\
* Select the ‘f1_2010.exe’ and click ‘Ok’
* Add the command ‘-savereplay’ on the end of the shortcut location and click ‘Next’
* Name the shortcut e.g. ‘F1 2010 (Saves Replays) and click ‘Finish’.
* Just double-click the shortcut and all replays will automatically be saved to ‘My Documents\My Games\FormulaOne\replays’

Playing replays videos

To view saved replays you will need to run F1 2010 with a command line option.

* Create a new shortcut.
You can do this by right-clicking on your desktop, selecting ‘New’ and select ‘Shortcut’
* Click Browse and navigate to your F1 2010 installation folder.
The default location is C:\Program Files\Codemasters\F1 2010\
* Select the ‘f1_2010.exe’ and click ‘Ok’
* Add the command ‘-replayui’ on the end of the shortcut location and click ‘Next’
Note: Do not add the ‘-savereplay’ option as this will stop you from viewing your previously recorded replays.
* Name the shortcut e.g. ‘F1 2010 (Play Replays) and click ‘Finish’.
* Open Windows Explorer and navigate to ‘My Documents\My Games\FormulaOne\replays’
You can do this by selecting ‘Start’ and ‘My Documents’ or by pressing the windows key and ‘e’
* To play your replay, just drag the ‘.f1replay’ file onto your new shortcut

Os:Win 10 64bit|Mb:ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming|Cpu:Core i5 6600K|Ram:16GB DDR4|Video Card:Nv GTX1060|Audio:Supreme FX|Hdd:SSD 250 Gb+1TB WD|Screen:LG 34"|Controls:G27,G15,G5,X52 Pro

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: F1 2010: patch 1.01 disponibile per PC
MessaggioInviato: 03/11/2010, 21:32 
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Livello Arma - OldGun
Livello Arma - OldGun
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Iscritto il: 01/08/2008, 10:33
Messaggi: 5604
se volete (e quando ho tempo...) vi faccio una traduzione per bene, sennò Google aiuta!

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: F1 2010: patch 1.01 disponibile per PC
MessaggioInviato: 04/11/2010, 15:31 
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Livello arma - Pattada
Livello arma - Pattada
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Iscritto il: 16/05/2008, 22:05
Messaggi: 1007
Località: Prarolo ( VC )
positiva questa patch
parecchie migliorie sopratutto sugli intertempi
la vettura sembra più difficile da guidare ad una prima impressione
unica cosa sui replay online nulla
la procedura funziona solo sull'Offline

Os:Win 10 64bit|Mb:ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming|Cpu:Core i5 6600K|Ram:16GB DDR4|Video Card:Nv GTX1060|Audio:Supreme FX|Hdd:SSD 250 Gb+1TB WD|Screen:LG 34"|Controls:G27,G15,G5,X52 Pro

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: F1 2010: patch 1.01 disponibile per PC
MessaggioInviato: 04/11/2010, 15:53 
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Iscritto il: 29/04/2008, 2:45
Messaggi: 28463

... o muori da eroe o vivi tanto a lungo da diventare il cattivo ....

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